Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain management is crucial, given that the lifetime prevalence of low back pain is around 84%, with about 23% of individuals experiencing chronic low back pain.1

Low back Pain

Most cases of lower back pain are mechanical, stemming from issues with the spine, joints, and surrounding soft tissue structures. However, lower back pain can also be non-mechanical, caused by referred pain from other areas, or due to serious conditions such as infections or inflammatory diseases.

Causes of mechanical low back pain include

  • Disc herniation
  • Muscle strains / sprains
  • Facet joint injury
  • Trauma (eg. vertebral compression fractures)
  • Structural imbalance (eg. scoliosis)
  • Overuse

Treatment of low back pain

Chiropractic treatment of low back pain is done once referred pain and systemic disease have been ruled out. Imaging is generally not needed, although xrays are sometimes done to look for bony abnormality; other types of imaging are reserved for concerning or progressing pain with certain features. Various types of analgesia have mixed evidence, while movement like yoga and self-management, with appropriate support, shows the most benefit and is generally recommended over invasive treatments.2 Spinal manipulation has shown mixed benefits in studies and may help with both acute and chronic pain.

For personalised lower back pain management, book an appointment with us to explore the best strategies for relieving your discomfort and improving your overall function.

1. Will JS, Bury DC, Miller JA. Mechanical Low Back Pain. Am Fam Physician. 2018;98(7):421-428.



This creates movement in the restricted joint in order to improve range of motion and mobility in that joint.


This includes movement of joints through their range without reaching the point of adjustment.

Soft tissue therapy

  • Active release technique (ART) – applying pressure while the patient moves the affected area;
  • Pin & stretch – applying pressure to a specific point and then adding static stretch;
  • Instrument-assisted soft tissue therapy (IASTM) – scraping tools which break up fibrous muscular adhesions
  • Trigger point release.

Drop piece technique

Similar to, but lighter than an adjustment, using the chiropractic table

Percussion therapy

Applying vibration and rapid short bursts of pressure to a muscle using a massage gun.


We use silicone cups applied to the affected muscle. Certain movements are performed by the patient with the cups in place which creates suction that stimulates blood flow in these areas.

Exercise prescription

To strengthen the surrounding musculature.

Worried About Pain?

It’s time to stop. Book an appointment today with Dr. Kirill and get back your mobility.