Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain management is crucial, given that the lifetime prevalence of low back pain is around 84%, with about 23% of individuals experiencing chronic low back pain.1

1. Balagué F, Mannion AF, Pellisé F, Cedraschi C. Non-specific low back pain. Lancet. 2012;379(9814):482-491. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60610-7

Low back Pain

Most cases of lower back pain are mechanical, stemming from issues with the spine, joints, and surrounding soft tissue structures. However, lower back pain can also be non-mechanical, caused by referred pain from other areas, or due to serious conditions such as infections or inflammatory diseases.

Causes of mechanical low back pain include

  • Disc herniation
  • Muscle strains / sprains
  • Facet joint injury
  • Trauma (eg. vertebral compression fractures)
  • Structural imbalance (eg. scoliosis)
  • Overuse

Treatment of low back pain

Chiropractic treatment of low back pain is done once referred pain and systemic disease have been ruled out. Imaging is generally not needed, although xrays are sometimes done to look for bony abnormality; other types of imaging are reserved for concerning or progressing pain with certain features. Various types of analgesia have mixed evidence, while movement like yoga and self-management, with appropriate support, shows the most benefit and is generally recommended over invasive treatments.2 Spinal manipulation has shown mixed benefits in studies and may help with both acute and chronic pain.

For personalised lower back pain management, book an appointment with us to explore the best strategies for relieving your discomfort and improving your overall function.

1. Will JS, Bury DC, Miller JA. Mechanical Low Back Pain. Am Fam Physician. 2018;98(7):421-428.

Our Chiropractic Treatments


This creates movement in the restricted joint in order to improve range of motion and mobility in that joint.


This includes movement of joints through their range without reaching the point of adjustment.

Soft tissue therapy

  • Active release technique (ART) – applying pressure while the patient moves the affected area;
  • Pin & stretch – applying pressure to a specific point and then adding static stretch;
  • Instrument-assisted soft tissue therapy (IASTM) – scraping tools which break up fibrous muscular adhesions
  • Trigger point release.

Drop piece technique

Similar to, but lighter than an adjustment, using the chiropractic table

Percussion therapy

Applying vibration and rapid short bursts of pressure to a muscle using a massage gun.


We use silicone cups applied to the affected muscle. Certain movements are performed by the patient with the cups in place which creates suction that stimulates blood flow in these areas.

Exercise prescription

To strengthen the surrounding musculature.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you treat lower back pain at Carbon Chiro?

Suffering from lower back pain can make daily activities difficult, which is why we use various chiropractic techniques tailored to each patient’s specific needs to provide relief. These may include adjustments, massage (soft tissue) therapy, and exercises to help strengthen the surrounding muscles to prevent future episodes of lower back pain. 

What are some of the common causes of lower back pain?

Lower back pain can result from various factors, such as poor posture, injury, muscle strain, or underlying medical conditions. Dr Kirill emphasises the importance of an initial in-depth assessment to ensure he can pinpoint the cause of pain and treat conditions likely to benefit from chiropractic care.

How can I prevent lower back pain?

There are a few measures that you can implement at home and at work: make sure that proper form and techniques are used when lifting heavy objects; exercise regularly to keep your core and leg muscles (especially glutes) strong; dedicate time to working on stretching and mobility of areas that are lacking; take regular breaks if you have a desk job to get up and move; and avoid excess weight gain, as this will add stress to the lower back. 

When should I see a chiropractor for lower back pain?

At any stage of pain or discomfort, a chiropractor is worth seeing to determine what treatment might help. Chiropractic care is beneficial in relieving acute pain in the initial phase of injury. 

If you are experiencing any of the following, chiropractic care may help:

  • Limited range of motion
  • Acute lower back injury 
  • Nerve pain shooting down over the hip or leg 
  • Pain with weight lifting, running, or any physical activity
  • Stiffness or pain on getting out of bed in the morning 
  • Inability to perform usual tasks at home or work due to pain


How do I know if my lower back needs attention?

A problem in the lower back can manifest in various ways. These may include a sharp, shooting sensation or a dull, achy feeling. Some people experience constant pain, while others may find their pain triggered by specific movements like bending forward, turning to the side, lying on their back, or standing up from a chair. Other symptoms can include numbness, pins and needles in one or both legs and a loss of balance. 

You might also have no low back pain but struggle with stiffness and flexibility or want to improve movement to enable sports or everyday life performance. 

Suffering from lower back pain?

If you’re struggling with lower back pain, book an appointment with us to explore effective lower back pain management strategies tailored to your needs.