
Headaches are a common complaint, but they can sometimes become so severe that they affect your ability to focus, achieve your goals for the day, or, in severe cases, your ability to function. At Carbon Chiro, we specialise in chiro for headaches to help alleviate your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Why do I have a headache?

It is estimated that around 4.9 million people in Australia suffer from headaches, and it is a common presentation to chiropractic clinics. The aetiology of headache is complex, and while pain can be caused by structures outside the skull (like muscles of the neck), the mechanism of pain in primary headache is likely a combination of changes to (and inflammation in) the neurovascular structures and enhanced nociception (the way your nervous system detects painful stimuli). For those seeking relief, chiro for headaches provides a non-invasive treatment option.

Common types of headache include:

  • Migraine
  • Tension headache (dull, bilateral pressure-type pain)
  • Cluster headache (unilateral, often severe pain behind the orbit)
  • Cervicogenic – due to a problem in the neck, including limited range of movement, muscular tension, poor posture, and injury such as whiplash

There are other, sometimes concerning causes for headache, including trauma, vascular disorders, and infection, which while rare in a chiropractic clinic, can be recognized and referred on to an appropriate service.

Chiro for headaches is particularly useful in the treatment of cervicogenic headache, although some patients have reported relief of other types of headache. Chiro for headaches would be highly beneficial if you are suffering from cervicogenic headache, you are likely to have altered neck posture or restricted neck range of motion, and the pain will be made worse by active neck movement or applying pressure to certain regions of the neck (the involved facet region or near the occipital nerve).1

1. Biondi DM. Cervicogenic headache: a review of diagnostic and treatment strategies. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2005;105(4 Suppl 2):16S-22S.

Triggers for headache

Things that can make a mild headache worse, regardless of the type of headache, include 

  • Stress 
  • Weather 
  • Hormonal fluctuations 
  • Prolonged eye strain (e.g., computer screens) 
  • Tension in the neck & upper back 
  • Tension in the jaw  
  • Poor posture 
  • Dehydration 
  • Emotional upset

In Chiro for headaches, treatments often involve creating movement in restricted joints to improve range of motion and mobility. For example, cervical facet joints, which frequently become restricted, can impair neck movement. Chiropractic adjustments, combined with soft tissue therapy, can significantly increase neck range of motion and alleviate headaches caused by neck stiffness.

Our Chiropractic Treatments

Adjustment of the cervical spine

This creates movement in the restricted joint in order to improve range of motion and mobility in that joint. One of the most common restricted joints are the cervical facet joints, which can impair your ability to move the neck in different planes. Adjustment, done safely and in combination with soft tissue therapy, significantly increases neck range of movement and can help with headaches caused by neck stiffness.

Soft tissue therapy of the neck

  • Active release technique (ART) – applying pressure while the patient moves the affected area;
  • Pin & stretch – applying pressure to a specific point and then adding static stretch;
  • Instrument-assisted soft tissue therapy (IASTM) – scraping tools which break up fibrous muscular adhesions
  • Trigger point release.

Mobilisation & gentle traction

This includes movement of joints through their range without reaching the point of adjustment. Gentle traction, predominantly of the sub-occipital region, helps release the muscles at the base of the skull, which are notorious for causing persistent headaches.

Exercise prescription

Strengthening weak musculature, not just of the neck but surrounding structures, may reduce headache as well as neck pain.


Assessment of posture and advice on the ergonomics of your workspace (and daily life) can help prevent recurrence and create long-lasting change.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of seeing a chiropractor for headaches?

Some benefits of seeing a chiropractor for headaches may include:

  • Relief from pain
  • Improved well-being and quality of life
  • Increased energy levels
  • Reduced frequency and intensity of headaches
  • Treatment is safe, gentle and effective


How do you treat headaches at Carbon Chiro?

First, we need to assess where the headache is coming from and what type of headache you might be suffering  from—this involves a thorough history and physical examination. If the headache is within our scope of practice,  we will commence treatment; if not, or if there are red flags, we would refer you to a GP for further investigation  and consideration of imaging. 

Chiropractic treatment can be effective for various headaches, including migraine, tension headaches, cluster  headaches, and cervicogenic headaches. It may include soft tissue therapy, active release techniques,  mobilisation, and adjustment. Specific exercises can also be surprisingly effective, particularly for cervicogenic  headaches, and are worth trying. If you are looking for a drug-free alternative to headache treatment, why not try chiropractic care? 


What can I expect from my first visit for headaches?

Your first visit will include:

  • Completion of an intake form
  • , which will ask some basic questions about your headache and your health history  
  • A conversation to get to know you, what you need help with, and any other symptoms you might have 
  • A physical examination 
  • Treatment (which may be limited to gentle soft tissue release or involve other modalities if you are  comfortable) 
  • A specific and individualised plan of action 


What are other ways to treat headaches between chiropractor visits

In addition to chiropractic treatment, there are several ways that you can naturally treat headaches. Regardless  of the type of headache you are struggling with, the following are some examples of helpful alternatives you can  try at home:

  • Minimising stress or taking some time to relax 
  • Optimising ergonomics at work 
  • Taking regular breaks from desk work 
  • Self-massage techniques 
  • Neck and upper back strengthening exercises
  • Getting good quality, consistent sleep
  • Staying hydrated


Headaches troubling you?

Here at Carbon Chiro we specialise in helping relieve problematic headaches.